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Newborn enrollment for children younger than 1 year of age is open through July 31. General enrollment reopens Sept. 1.

Step Three: Pick Number of Units

After settling on the Tuition Unit type and the payment option that works best for you, it’s time to select the number of Tuition Units you wish to purchase. The maximum purchase for any Tuition Unit type is equal to the dollar amount of 600 Type I units. There is a $500,000 cap for total contributions in all Texas prepaid and college savings plans for one Beneficiary.

The Tuition Planning Calculator allows you to find out which options best meet your goals and experiment with a variety of payment scenarios to help you save for college confidently.

The calculator is especially suited for answering questions like these:

  • How many units can I afford to buy, either now or over time?
  • What type of tuition units best fit my budget and educational goals?
  • How many credit hours will those units buy at schools my child might attend?

View some sample plans

Run as many Calculations and Scenarios as You Like

The Tuition Planning Calculator is designed to help you find the answers you want to make the decisions you need.

The Pricing Schedule and Redemption Guide has a listing of all Texas public two-year and four-year colleges and shows how many of each type of units are required to purchase one academic year based on today’s tuition and required fees. While the number of units needed to attend any particular college will fluctuate between now and the time your Beneficiary starts college, it provides an estimate that will assist you in making your decision.